The Famous Five #5: Five Go Off in a Caravan
It’s all food porn, flirtatious farm girls, and SECRET ADVENTURES.
Continue readingsnarky recaps from the nostalgia section
It’s all food porn, flirtatious farm girls, and SECRET ADVENTURES.
Continue readingDove recaps Making Out #5: Claire Gets Caught by Katherine Applegate (and Michael Grant) wherein Claire is outstanding, Lucas is a horny toad, Jake is adorable, Nina and Benjamin are faffy, and there is SNOW!
Continue readingDove recaps The Famous Five #3: Five Run Away Together by Enid Blyton, wherein Julian is rather insufferable, but the food – when they get it – is absolutely wizard!
Continue readingRosey recaps Making Out #4: Ben’s in Love by Katherine Applegate (and Michael Grant), in which Benjamin is confused over which Geiger he loves, Jake is a car wreck, consent is very iffy, Nina is so cool, and Aisha is the baddest badass that ever badassed.
Continue readingnecromommycon recaps Baby-Sitters Club #4: Mary Anne Saves the Day by Ann M. Martin: Mary Anne shows her spine! 911 is called! Everyone fights and it is delightful! #url#
Continue readingRaven recaps Dngeons & Dragons Episode 2: The Eye of the Beholder. Poor fella must hate chopping onions.
Continue readingNecromommycon recaps Five Go Adventuring Again by Enid Blyton. In the second Famous Five book, Julian, Dick, George, Anne, and Timmy the dog return to Kirrin Cottage for the Christmas holidays.
Continue readingTitle: Molly Learns A Lesson, a.k.a. “A Lesson In Te-Am Work” Author: Valerie Tripp Illustrator: Nick Backes Summary: Molly is
Continue readingDove Recaps Making Out #3: Nina Won’t Tell, wherein Nina is the bravest of the brave and the funniest of the funny. Proceed with caution as this recap discusses and references the sexual abuse of a minor.
Continue readingTitle: Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls Summary: Kristy, Claudia, Mary Anne and Stacey have had some strange adventures since they
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