Spider-Man and Power Pack
Jude recaps Spider-Man and Power Pack
Continue readingsnarky recaps from the nostalgia section
Jude recaps Spider-Man and Power Pack
Continue readingTitle: Generation X Holiday Special – “Yes, Jubilee, there IS a Santa Claus,” a.k.a. “The Nanny & Orphan-Maker Christmas Kidnapping
Continue readingIt’s spring and to celebrate, Jude recaps Batman #181: Beware of Poison Ivy by Robert Kanigher.
Continue readingDove recaps Famous Five #9: Five Fall Into Adventure by Enid Blyton, which is the most racist Blyton to date and, as a bonus, features Julian and Dick’s first TWO forays into kidnapping.
Continue readingWing recaps Famous Five #7: Five Go Off to Camp by Enid Blyton and GOES BOOM. A LOT. WE HAVE REACHED INSUFFERABLE JULIAN AND SEXISM FOR ALL.
Continue readingJude recaps Alisa of the Silver Hair by Shinji Wada.
Continue readingDove recaps The Famous Five #6: Five on Kirrin Island Again by Enid Blyton, wherein everyone hates on Anne, despite her being the best thing in this. Also, there’s a tower, secrets, adventure, and it’s all incredibly boring.
Continue readingIt’s all food porn, flirtatious farm girls, and SECRET ADVENTURES.
Continue readingWing recaps Famous Five 4: Five Go to Smuggler’s Top by Enid Blyton and spends far too much time bored considering the book is filled with smugglers, secret passages, and animal attacks.
Continue readingDove recaps The Famous Five #3: Five Run Away Together by Enid Blyton, wherein Julian is rather insufferable, but the food – when they get it – is absolutely wizard!
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