The Famous Five #10: Five on a Hike Together by Enid Blyton
Wing recaps Famous Five #10: Five on a Hike Together by Enid Blyton and would probably kill you if you drank every time she said WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK.
Continue readingsnarky recaps from the nostalgia section
Wing recaps Famous Five #10: Five on a Hike Together by Enid Blyton and would probably kill you if you drank every time she said WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK.
Continue readingDove recaps My Little Pony: Through the Door (S01E47-48) wherein fairy tale characters visit Ponyland, and the baby ponies are taught the Dance of the Seven Veils. That’s not hyperbole. That is literally what happens.
Continue readingThe Ponies are terrible slobs and fail to do any upkeep or property improvement on their vast land holdings, so Paradise Estate (and its contents) rise up again their equine oppressors. There’s some kind of magic paint involved and yet another character who wants to steal the Ponies’ home. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Continue readingbat recaps My Little Pony: Baby, It’s Cold Outside (S01E41-42) and WINTER IS HERE, but I fear we may have oversold the story using that quote.
Continue readingAfter nearly being slaughtered by a wannabe knight, Megan and the Ponies help squire Alonzo to perform a good deed. If only they had a dictionary handy to look up the definition of “good”.
Continue readingbat suffers through another episode of misery featuring Woebegone, whom the Ponies try and save because the Ponies are a cult of positivity. Emphasis on the cult part.
Continue readingDove recaps My Little Pony: Mish Mash Melee (S01E35) where there’s a personality swap but nobody notices because of the lack of characterisation.
Continue readingDove recaps My Little Pony: The Magic Coins – Parts 3-4 (S01E33-34), wherein you can touch lava and run through fire. Try it at home! If Megan can do it, so can you!
Continue readingbat recaps My Little Pony: The Magic Coins – Parts 1-2 (S01E31-32) wherein magic has consequences (for once) but only where the plot says so.
Continue readingDove recaps My Little Pony: The Return of Tambelon – Parts 3-4 (S01E28-29), wherein the story has potential, but quickly dies out under Megan’s need to be the centre of the universe.
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