My Little Pony Tales: Out of Luck (S01E08)
Dove recaps Out of Luck, where nobody learns a life lesson and the entire thing is pointless.
Continue readingsnarky recaps from the nostalgia section
Dove recaps Out of Luck, where nobody learns a life lesson and the entire thing is pointless.
Continue readingbat recaps COOL AS ICE (1991), a flimsy “film” that should never be inflicted on any viewer. There is nothing of value in this “vehicle for Vanilla Ice”. IT ACTUALLY FAILS THE “STILL A BETTER LOVE STORY THEN TWILIGHT” MEME. We all end up rooting for the poor abused pet fishes.
Continue readingTitle: Captain America: The First Avenger Released: 2011 Summary: Steve Rogers, a rejected military soldier, transforms into Captain America after
Continue readingbat recaps My Little Pony: The Prince and the Ponies (S02E13), the final episode of the two-season run. And that’s about the most exciting thing you can say about it.
Continue readingbat recaps My Little Pony: Somnambula (S02E11-12) – BIG BROTHER (Ponies) ARE BACK, BABY! Where did they go and why? Who cares! But the Ponies’ celebration plans are interrupted by, yet again, another villain. This one has a magic bird! How amazing!
Continue readingDove recaps My Little Pony: Flight to Cloud Castle (S02E08-09), which is your typical tale of an incel demanding a fairytale girl, and every other girl cheering on his entitlement! *clasps hands* It’s sooooo romantic.
Continue readingTitle: Suburban Jersey Ninja She-Devils – “Jagged Image” Writer: Steve Gerber Pencils: Amanda Conner Inks: Jeff Albrecht Colors: Michael Higgins
Continue readingbat recaps My Little Pony: The Golden Horseshoes (S02E06-07). This is it, the moment you’ve been waiting for: the episode that breaks bat’s brain. Four golden maguffins to be found, a Pony nearly dies, and ENSLAVEMENT IS BACK! DRINK!
Continue readingbat recaps My Little Pony: Spike’s Search (S02E05). Spike feels inadequate. He and Danny go on a buddy road trip to find other dragons. Stupidity ensues, just like it always does in this cartoon. Bat just gets to feel extra nauseated.
Continue readingDove recaps My Little Pony: The Quest of the Princess Ponies (S02E03-4) wherein not a lot happens, but a Bushwoolie dies. Nobody cares. Except me. I care.
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